PUBG Mobile Collaboration with The Great British Teddy Bear
PUBG Mobile also surprised its loyal players through collaboration content with a leading British doll manufacturer, namely The Great British Teddy Bear.
Through an event titled GB Teddy Bear Collection on June 21 to July 22, 2022, players can get a number of cute in-game items to collect.
The GB Teddy Bear-themed items include ornaments, parachutes, and GB Teddy Bear characters that players can bring into the battle area.
In addition to the PUBG Mobile-themed GB Teddy Bear, players can also bring dolls with the theme of other iconic British characters, such as Robin Hood Teddy Bear and Sherlock Holmes Teddy Bear.
Throughout the event, players can complete in-game missions to get cotton used to make GB Teddy Bear dolls.
Once collected, players can exchange them for two permanent skins, namely Frog Tourist Set and Frog Tourist Cover.
“Players can get a total of 3 cottons through daily missions and … Read the rest