Tag Archive: Dota 2 Boosting

Do people still play Dota 2? Complete Proofs to Answer

There cannot be a conversation about the greatest e-sports on the planet without including Dota and Dota 2 in the conversation. Dota 2 once defined and shaped e-sports at one point had the biggest player base and fan base in esports from having crowdfunding to filling the biggest arenas to gather fans from all around the world dota 2 had it all but all of this was years ago Vavle still organizes the internationals every year. The player base is on the decline and since 2016 the player base has shrunk by 20%. So does Dota 2’s charm fade away or the game is dying? the biggest question is do people still play Dota 2?

The Rise:

Before anything else, we have to talk about the rise of Dota 2 and how it’s got its place and from where. So like every other popular Valve game dota was also a … Read the rest